Employer survey

Researching training priorities in business

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Employer Survey

Q1 - Are you aware that you can use apprenticeship funding to upskill your existing employees or train a new apprentice? *
Q2 - Which of these apprenticeships would you be interested in to train existing or new staff? (tick all that apply) *
Q3 - Would you be interested in *FREE* Maths and English training for your employees? *
Q4 - Would you be interested in low cost training for your employees in LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the workplace and/or Energy Efficiency & Sustainability? *
Q5 - We are keen to involve you in shaping our offering. Which of the following would you prefer? - tick all that apply *
If you would like to be part of an online event or would like us to contact you with further information about how we can help, please enter your details below.