The award was given because of the high standard, quality and results of our apprenticeship provision, with a particularly high proportion of Distinction grades at End-Point Assessment. As one of only a small cohort of providers recognised with this award we decided to get out the champagne (and OJ), strawberries and chocolate to celebrate in style.
The EPA is the final part of any Apprenticeship, where a learner is assessed against the standards by an external organisation (like City and Guilds) to test the knowledge, skills and behaviours they have gained. This can include a written test, a project, a presentation, workplace observation, an interview or other assessment methods. It can be a challenging time for any apprentice and we have developed a process of support and pastoral care for all apprentices going through their end point assessment. It's this support and preparation that we believe is helping our apprentices achieve such great results.
Ean Faragher, our Work Based Trainer for the Digital Marketer apprenticeship that accounted for a large number of our City and Guilds EPA successes, commented: "This as more recognition of the hard work our learners put in, I ask all apprentices to aim high during the apprenticeship and they really commit to that. As a result the work produced at EPA has been utterly incredible and each learner has grabbed the opportunity to show the high level of knowledge and skills developed over the course of the apprenticeship."
We knew that our learners were achieving great results but it can be difficult to benchmark and understand how our high number of Merit and Distinction grades fits into the national picture. It's wonderful to get this recognition from City and Guilds and it shows we're working at a high level.