Mon 17th September 2018

Progression and Promotion through Work-Based Learning

We have just had the pleasure of working with Print company Prinovis in Liverpool who have given their employees the route to progress from the shop floor to the "Number 2 Printer" position. This is not only a step up in skills but also a step up in pay. All that they have to do is achieve the level 2 "Machine Printing" NVQ whilst on the job and they are guaranteed a promotion as well as gaining the recognised qualification.

This fantastic initiative was capped off by all 8 employees completing and achieving in a timely manner because of a well thought out co-delivery strategy between Prinovis and ourselves. This strategy is an on-going method to upskill the workforce so that they never encounter production problems and increase flexibility, as more people are now multi-skilled and so can adapt to the ever-changing world of supply and demand within print.

"We are very proud of the hard work put in by our employees as well as seeing the benefits of work-based training firsthand."

For more information on how your business can benefit from work-based training or apprenticeships, contact us here