Mon 05th August 2019

Apprenticeship & Functional Skills success at Siemens

Axia have been celebrating fantastic apprenticeship and functional skills achievements at Siemens. Axia Functional Skills Tutor, Adrian Wood and our Internal Quality Manager, Yvonne Licata, both attended a presentation event for learners to receive their certificates.

Adam Donnelly Team Leader Apprenticeship

Adam is presented with his certificate by Yvonne Licata

Adam Donnelly achieved the Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor apprenticeship. The programme was assessed by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). As one of the first Axia learners to complete the new Standard we're delighted that all of his hard work paid off.

The apprenticeship covers operational, project and people management skills. Adam was supported by Siemens to develop and use all of his new knowledge throughout the programme.

Now Adam has completed the apprenticeship he is able to join the CMI as an associate member which will help with future career progression and skills development.

Whilst Adam's achievement would be enough to celebrate, Siemens made it a double celebration! Latifa Kjidaa, Charlotte Roberts, Lisa Wood and Callum Wright all received their Level 2 ICT Functional Skills certificates.

The course develops greater ICT confidence and has allowed all of the learners to become more efficient at work. It covers a number of topics with more traditional workplace ICT skills like using spreadsheet software as well as newer skills like using the internet effectively.

We're delighted to have built such a strong relationship with Siemens and look forward to more shared success in the future. All of the learners were committed to their programme and gained incredibly useful skills.

ICT Functional Skills

Latifa, Charlotte, Lisa and Callum were presented with their certificates by Adrian Wood.