Safeguarding for Learners

At Axia the safety of learners is a priority. You have the right to feel safe and Axia Solutions is committed to protecting you from harm or abuse.

If you are worried or concerned about yourself or someone you know please talk to your work-based trainer/tutor or call 01782 572777

Safeguarding is managed within Axia by our Safeguarding Lead, Yvonne Licata, and our Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Victoria Harte. We also benefit from the support, knowledge and advice of the NSCG Safeguarding team.

You can find more information about how to stay safe and Axia's safeguarding processes below or by accessing our Safeguarding Policy here.

Healthy Relationships & Peer on Peer abuse

Having positive and healthy relationships are a critical part of life for many people. Being in a bad relationship can make you feel unhappy and harm your wellbeing. You might feel anxious and nervous or not able to decide things for yourself. It can also damage your self-confidence and may even lead to depression or other issues with your emotional health. Being in a harmful and unhealthy relationship may also cause physical problems like headaches or chest pain.

In the video below you can learn more about how to identify an unhealthy relationship and when someone may be in an abusive relationship. This may be your own relationship, your friends or even your family. You will also learn about Peer on Peer abuse, a significant issue that is affecting children and young adults.